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TSNRP Celebrates 30th Anniversary

CAPT Heather King, NC, USN

I am always amazed and humbled by the story of how the TriService Nursing Research Program (TSNRP) started. In 1988, a small group of nurses holding doctorates from the Army, Navy and Air Force began meeting informally at the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States (AMSUS) meeting. In 1990, the three Services formed the Federal Nursing Research Interest Group, which later became the TriService Nursing Research Group (TSNRG). In 1991, TSNRG and the Nurse Corps Chiefs met with the National Center for Nursing Research (now the National Institute for Nursing Research) to discuss a coordinated strategy for nursing research. In 1996, the Department of Defense Authorization Act authorized TSNRP as part of the Department of Defense (DoD) Health Care Program, established at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.

500+ Research & Evidence-Based Practice Awards to Nurses

That humble history TSNRP sounds very simple, but a tremendous collaborative effort established TSNRP. Since inception, TSNRP has funded more than 500 research and Evidence-Based Practice awards to nurses. More important than the number of funded awards, is the sustained investment in advancing scientific capabilities of military nurses. The previous research and Evidence-Based Practice projects have led to advances in expeditionary care (including en route care), military women’s health, military family health, biobehavioral health, resuscitative medicine, anesthesia practice, health systems research, and improving the health and performance of Service members.

In the last 30 years, TSNRP has grown from a program with a budget of $1M annually to a program with a budget of $6M annually. This generous funding support allows for annual research and Evidence-Based Practice funding opportunities, a grant team that supports award management, as well as the Resource Center that offers numerous annual educational opportunities. It is a true honor to take this year to celebrate the accomplishments of those involved with TSNRP and remember our humble beginnings. I am excited to see how TSNRP expands and advances in the future!

As I am nearing the completion of my tour of duty as the twelfth TSNRP Executive Director, I want to express how grateful I am to be a part of the TSNRP 30th anniversary celebrations. TSNRP is a unique program with a legacy of service to others. I am also grateful for the commitment to this legacy championed by previous TSNRP Executive Directors. Their leadership was integral to the success of TSRNP. I am proud of the inspiring military nurses conducting relevant research and the expanding supportive community dedicated to advancing military nursing research and Evidence-Based Practice. I can truly say military nurses made serving in this role the opportunity and honor of my lifetime! Thank you TSNRP community!

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