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First Military EBP Summit

Identifying Capabilities & Gaps in Evidence-Based Practice

With the goal of evaluating Evidence-Based Practice capabilities and gaps critical to successful integration in the Defense Health Agency (DHA) and Armed Services, the first ever Military EBP Summit was held by TSNRP virtually on March 11, 2022.

Nurse scholars from each of the Armed Services were featured in panel presentations and focus groups held during the one-day event. Brig Gen Anita Fligge, Defense Health Agency Chief Nursing Officer, and CAPT Heather King, TSNRP Executive Director, opened the summit to highlight the importance of EBP throughout the Department of Defense (DoD). The day was divided into a morning session focused on panel presentations regarding various aspects of EBP and an afternoon of breakout focus group sessions focused on critical analysis of the strengths and challenges to implement EBP within DoD settings.

The opening panel “TriService Evidence-Based Practice Councils in the Defense Health Agency: A Case Study from the European DHA Market” began with COL Pauline Swiger discussion on how to get started with a TriService EBP council. Maj Kelly Henson followed with tips on how Service members across the three military Services can collaborate effectively. Following these presentations, LTC William Murray presented on measures of success and the value of resource support (including the TSNRP mini-EBP award) and LTC Christopher Stucky presented on EBP council sustainment, challenges, and successes.

The panel session “Over Sea, Land, and Air: Supporting Evidence-Based Practice in Operational Environments & Military Treatment Facilities” showcased EBP projects conducted across the spectrum of care, including operational environments. A scoping review on prolonged field care conducted by MAJ David Alford was presented. MAJ Alison Ferro and Dr. Linda Yoder presented a critical review of the literature on use of QSEN competencies in curriculum and clinical practice. LT Alainna Crotty and LT Alexander Miller discussed the successes and challenges of implementing EBP in a deployed setting; and Maj Marlon Saria presented on the impact of an optimized patient education program on the readiness of reserve airmen with duty limiting conditions.

The panel session “It’s All in the Numbers: Implementing Benchmark Data/Key Indicators into EBP” featured LCDR Josh Wymer, MAJ Wendy Hamilton, Maj Stephanie Raps, and CPT Rebeccah Dindinger discussing the use of patient outcome data and providing valuable resources for military nurses to capture this important data when conducting EBP projects.

The panel session “Evidence-Based Practice Panel: Advancing Readiness through Military EBP Programs” discussed various military educational program supporting the training and implementation of Evidence-Based Practice within the Military Healthcare System. Capt Amanda Fox and Maj Savannah Jumpp highlighted the Air Force Readiness Fellowship program. LTC Pedro Oblea, CDR Aleha McHenry, and Ms. Kathy Williams discussed military nurse residency programs while LCDR Justin Hefley, Lt Col David Bradley, and Maj Nicole Loset discussed success and challenges of EBP education from their respective military programs (USU and USSAGPAN).

The final panel session ended with a presentation on the need for standardization of administrative processes to support EBP across the DHA. Lt Col Laurie Migliore, Dr. Joan Wasserman, MAJ Jeff Ransom, LCDR Rachel Newnam, and Lt Col Tonya White spearheaded this important topic.

In between presentations and focus group sessions, attendees found time to incorporate fun and games into their learning with a spirited gameshow-style military themed competition. These activities were developed and supported by the TSNRP Staff.

In the afternoon session, five moderated focus groups provided time for discussion on the topics in each morning session to elicit the perspectives of the military community on the successes and challenges of those respective topics. The goal of the focus group sessions was to obtain key stakeholder feedback on gaps and capabilities to implement EBP within the DHA.

Information garnered from the focus group sessions will be used to inform strategic recommendations for military and civilian healthcare personnel, policy makers, and leaders in the Defense Health Agency and Armed Services. A journal publication on the topics presented at the summit will be featured in a future issue of Military Medicine. It is hoped this event will continue the journey to advance EBP in military settings.

A special thank you to the panel moderators: CDR Melissa Troncoso, MAJ Albert Knight, Dr. Lovett-Floom, Mr. Matt Kilboy, Lt Col Tonya White, and the TSNRP staff: Christine, Mia, Shannon, Dr. Druse, Dr. Heyne, Dr. Mckie. Also, thank you to all nurses who participated. Your meaningful input is critical to the success of this event and implementing EBP into the Defense Health Agency.

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