The TriService Nursing Research Program (TSNRP) annual Grant Camp was an exciting and productive week, held 12-16 July, 2021 in San Antonio, TX. TSNRP Grant Camp is an inspiring and welcoming learning environment for military nurses and military nursing graduate students to collaborate with experienced faculty members to develop a successful award application. In attendance this year were TSNRP Executive Director CAPT Heather King, nine faculty members, 12 students, and two TSNRP staff members. Student attendees and faculty members represented tri-service experience. Daily camp activities included a mix of presentations from faculty members dedicated mentorship work time, and presentations to the group. Faculty presentations covered the science and art of writing a successful application and managing a successful project. Some of the comprehensive range of topics included: research methods and data collection (for quantitative, qualitative, and evidence-based projects); research protections and complying with requirements of institutional review boards (IRBs) and institutional animal care and use committee (IACUCs); and developing and managing budgets. For student attendees, a valuable portion was working with assigned faculty member mentors to refine specific aspects of the student’s project. Students presented portions of their project to the entire group and received feedback from faculty members and other student attendees throughout the course. Ideal attendees at Grant Camp are first year doctoral students. Student attendees report that the knowledge shared was a unique and an excellent supplement to doctoral programs. Students appreciate the opportunities for collaboration and hearing firsthand from experienced faculty members. Faculty members were impressed with the receptiveness of the student attendees. The week ended with attendees and faculty members providing insightful feedback and suggestions that are sure to make next year’s camp even better. Plan to attend the 2022 Grant Camp in June Year? in San Diego, CA. More details will be available in early 2022.
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